Calvin Science 分別設有 DSE/IGCSE/IAL/GCE/IB 化學課程
  • 課程除了適合本地升學的學生,亦適合考國際試,到海外升學的學生
  • 課程設有專校班,可根據學校進度,為學生度身訂造課程
  • 現有專校班包括:DGS, DBS, SJC, SPC, HY, QC, SPCS
  • 三大課程包括:常規班、操卷班和精讀班
  • 化學科更設有中六限定課程包括: 模擬考試和 Super Revision
常規班 (Regular Course)
  • 跟據學校進度教授每個課題的基本概念和公開試題型
  • 每個課題均設有獨門筆記,拆解多種不同題型,清晰易明
  • 提供收納多種校內試題題型的試題庫,助學生校內考試得心應手
  • 定期設計測驗,並親自批改,助同學操練至最佳備戰狀態
操卷班 (Paper Training Course)
  • 每個課題均設有大量操題練習
  • 教導學生逐步思考,訓練答題思維
  • 操卷設有不同難度,學生可操練由基礎的 CE By Topic / DSE By Topic 題目至高難度的 DSE/AL題目
  • 學生亦可選擇操練學校歷屆 Past Paper (視乎學校及學生級別)
精讀班 (Intensive Course)
  • 每個課題設有老師編寫的詳盡精讀筆記
  • 課程極速完成考試課題
  • 幫助學生掌握每課重點
模擬考試 (Mock Examination)
  • 每年舉行兩次大型的模擬考試
  • 提供專業評卷、改卷及試後分析
  • 幫助應試生累積實戰經驗
Super Revision Course (SR)
  • 課程重點與學生重溫 Chem DSE 12 個核心課題
  • 每個課題設有獨門筆記、Past Paper、Exercise、Revision Guide、Test
  • 課程加送中六免費操卷,幫助學生備戰
  Chemistry DSE Core Topics 包括: Topic I Planet earth, Topic II Microscopic world I, Topic III Metals, Topic IV Acids and bases, Topic V Fossil fuels and carbon compounds, Topic VI Microscopic world II, Topic VII Redox reactions, chemical cells and electrolysis, Topic VIII Chemical reactions and energy, Topic IX Rate of reaction, Topic X Chemical equilibrium, Topic XI Chemistry of carbon compounds, Topic XII Patterns in the chemical world Chemistry DSE Elective Topics 包括: Elective A – Industrial chemistry Elective C – Analytical chemistry Chemistry IGCSE Topics 包括: (Edexcel) Topic 1 Principle of Chemistry, Topic 2 Inorganic Chemistry, Topic 3 Physical Chemistry, Topic 4 Organic Chemistry (CIE) The particulate nature of matter, Experimental techniques, Atoms, elements and compounds, Stoichiometry, Electricity and chemistry, Chemical energetics, Chemical reactions, Acids, bases and salts, The Periodic Table, Metals, Air and water, Sulfur, Carbonates, Organic chemistry Chemistry IAL/GCE Topics 包括: (Edexcel) Formulae, Equations and Amount of Substances, Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table, Bonding and Structure, Introductory Organic Chemistry and Alkanes, Alkenes, Energetics, Intermolecular Forces, Redox Chemistry and Groups 1, 2 and 7, Introduction to Kinetics and Equilibria, Organic Chemistry: Alcohols, Halogenoalkanes and Spectra, Kinetics, Entropy and Energetics, Chemical Equilibria, Acid-base Equilibria, Organic Chemistry: Carbonyls, Carboxylic Acids and Chirality, Redox Equilibria, Transition Metals and their Chemistry, Organic Chemistry: Arenes, Organic Nitrogen Compounds: Amines, Amides, Amino Acids and Proteins, Organic Synthesis (OCR) Atoms, compounds, molecules and equations, Basic Mole Calculation, Concentration, Molar Volume, Acid–base and redox reactions, Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding, Shape of Molecules, Polarity, Ionisation Energy, Periodicity, Group 2 and the halogens, Qualitative analysis, Enthalpy changes, Reaction rates and equilibrium (qualitative), Basic concepts of organic compounds. Hydrocarbons, Alcohols and haloalkanes, Organic synthesis, Analytical techniques (IR and MS), Reaction rates and equilibrium (quantitative), pH and buffers, Enthalpy, entropy and free energy, Redox and electrode potentials, Transition elements, Aromatic compounds, Carbonyl compounds, Carboxylic acids and esters, Nitrogen compounds, Polymers, Organic synthesis, Chromatography and spectroscopy (NMR) (AQA) 1.1 Atomic structure, 1.2 Amount of substance, 1.3 Bonding, 1.4 Energetics, 1.5 Kinetics, 1.6 Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc, 1.7 Oxidation, reduction and redox equations, 2.1 Periodicity, 2.2 Group 2, the alkaline earth metals, 2.3 Group 7(17), the halogens, 3.1 Introduction to organic chemistry, 3.2 Alkanes, 3.3 Halogenoalkanes, 3.4 Alkenes, 3.5 Alcohols, 3.6 Organic analysis, 1.8 Thermodynamics, 1.9 Rate equations, 1.10 Equilibrium constant Kp for homogeneous systems, 1.11 Electrode potentials and electrochemical cells, 1.12 Acids and bases, 2.4 Properties of Period 3 elements and their oxides, 2.5 Transition metals, 2.6 Reactions of ions in aqueous solution, 3.7 Optical isomerism, 3.8 Aldehydes and ketones, 3.9 Carboxylic acids and derivatives, 3.10 Aromatic chemistry, 3.11 Amines, 3.12 Polymers, 3.13 Amino acids, proteins and DNA, 3.14 Organic synthesis, 3.15 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 3.16 Chromatography

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